

interpersonal relations, pupils with intellectual disorders, pair communication, joint activity


Purpose of the paper. The purpose of the paper is to highlight the directions, methods, and techniques of working to educate and enhance the interpersonal relationships of pupils with intellectual disorders who study in special boarding schools.
Methods. In the study, the methods of special organization of activities of children have been used – visual methods: demonstration of patterns of interpersonal relationships; verbal methods: fiction; practical methods: gaming exercises, joint activities, modeling and analysis of different situations; non-traditional teaching methods (art-therapy, doll-therapy).The author presents and substantiates the conditions for expanding the experience of interpersonal communication, indicates the directions of such interaction: organization of interpersonal communication during the joint activity of pupils; organization of pair communication of pupils in the process of their joint activity.
The expediency of applying the block system of corrective occupations in these directions is determined: formation of social perception; developing skills of joint activity; correction of emotional state; conflict resolution and psychological correction of aggression.
Scientific novelty. For the first time, it has been offered the system of work based on a special organization of communication of children in different age groups in the process of joint activity.
The impact of this process on the development of personality and the further integration of senior pupils with intellectual disorders into the educational environment and into society is substantiated.
Conclusions. The author of the paper has found out that forming the interpersonal relationships of adolescents with intellectual disorders in the process of joint activities is different, which is due to the specific type of organization of their life. Emphasis is made on the need to solve the problems of forming the interpersonal relationships by applying the system of psychological and pedagogical measures, both of organizational and meaningful character. Organizing the pair interaction of children is defined as the most effective form of work, in comparison with the traditional techniques of forming the interpersonal relations of pupils with intellectual disorders.

Author Biography

T. Kuznetsova, Donbas State Pedagogical University

Ph.D. in Pedagogical Science, Associate Professor,
Associate Professor of the Department of Special Pedagogy and Inclusion,
Donbas State Pedagogical University
(Sloviansk, Ukraine)


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