


noospheric education, ethnic design, empirical experience, art.


Article's purpose. In the article, the author states that noospheric education is the answer to students’ needs while pursuing higher education in art. They are prone to personification with the environment due to their strong imagination. The main goal of noospheric education for future ethnic designers is the total noospheric consciousness formation: ecosystem mindset, noospheric thinking, and ethical noospheric behaviour in the socio-cultural and natural environment.
Methodology. The key to innovating the studying of ethnic design in liberal arts institutions of higher education should become theoretically proven and highly usable worldwide sustainable development concept. The critical theory and methodology that help go forward with the concept are ecological, ethnocultural and economic principles’ collaboration and cooperation for the future specialists in ethnic design studying that are here to perfect our environment, including the harmony of beauty and functionality.
Scientific novelty. Based on the domestic realities of the state of artistic and design creativity, in the methodical system of ethnodesign training for students of higher art educational institutions, it is necessary to provide for the continuous education of future designers, as well as the internship of ethnodesign teachers. The results of the work give grounds to assert that specialists in architectural art and design in the conditions of a new social movement – anti-globalism, are called to acquire competence in ethnodesign – artistic and design creativity that takes into account the ethnic features of form-making and decoration. Other priority pedagogical problems of ethnodesign training for students of higher art educational institutions were identified: the detachment of artistic design of objects in ethnic style from each other and the lack of connection between ethnodesign projects and the real historical and ethnographic environments of certain regions of Ukraine.
Conclusions. The author performed a comparative analysis of Ukrainian ethnic identity typical characteristics. They were gathered in the works of P. Chubynskyi, including scientifically proven intellectual abilities concerning creating products due to a particular cultural peculiarity of a certain ethnos, gathered and classified by a group of scholars curated by Howard Gardner. Positive characteristics of Ukrainian national identity (being close and uniting with nature – naturalistic abilities, devotion – existential abilities, musical abilities, artistic abilities etc.) and negative characteristics (undervaluing collectivism and undervaluing taking the initiative etc.) were discovered and settled.
Ethnic design-giftedness is manifested in design – the creation of the latest, ecologically appropriate technical and artistic forms in space; interpersonal interaction in social creativity of socio-political movements; entrepreneurship, the ability to multiply additional value in one's own business.

Author Biography

A. Rudenchenko, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University

Doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor,
Head of the department of decorative arts and restoration,
Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University
(Kyiv, Ukraine)


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