digital technologies in education, future primary school teacher, artistic competence, art class, primary school, vocational trainingAbstract
The article is devoted to the problem of preparing future primary school teachers for the use of digital technologies in art lessons. It has been determined that the use of digital resources, their integration into the educational process can effectively solve a number of didactic problems. In particular, the advantages of using digital technologies in art classes in elementary school are the opportunity to conduct virtual tours, walks in different countries, visit museums, national parks, and so on. The introduction of digital technologies ensures the improvement of the educational process, the availability and effectiveness of modern education, and the preparation of future teachers for life in the information society. The process of preparing future primary school teachers requires them to master the theory and practice of using modern digital technologies and to develop professionally important competencies, including artistic ones.
Article's purpose is to study and identify the possibilities of using digital technologies in the educational process in the preparation of future primary school teachers.
Methodology. To achieve the goal, a systematic approach and general theoretical scientific methods were used, such as analysis, synthesis and systematization of the studied material on the use of digital technologies in the educational process of future primary school teachers.
The scientific novelty of the results obtained lies in the clarification of the main advantages of using digital technologies in the process of forming their competence of future primary school teachers.
Conclusions. According to the current state of reforming the educational sphere, the article emphasizes the need to use digital technologies in the professional training of future primary school teachers in the process of developing their artistic competence.
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