


testing, physical qualities, weightlifting, schoolchildren, athletes


The purpose of the work: to establish the dependence of the influence of weight training on the manifestation of physical qualities of schoolchildren of grades 9-11.
Methodology: the research was carried out in the Pokrovsky-Bagachansky Lyceum of the Khorolsk City Council of the Lubensky District of the Poltava Region. To solve the problem, a group of 30 high school students was formed, who systematically practiced in the strength sports section, and in particular, kettlebell sports. The age of the test subjects was 15-17 years, the experience of continuous training in kettlebell sports sections was 0.5-1.5 years.
Scientific novelty: pedagogical testing is presented to determine the level of motor capabilities of schoolchildren of grades 9-11 who were engaged in kettlebell sports sections. Exercises were identified that are appropriate to use at these stages of training: 30 m run; for 1000 m; shuttle run 4×9 m, s; hanging on bent arms, s; long jump from a standing position, cm; hand dynamometry; bending the body forward from a sitting position.
Conclusions: the material presented in this publication shows that the general physical fitness of schoolchildren of grades 9-11, who train in sports sections of secondary schools, corresponds to peers in most indicators, but has more improved indicators. The mentioned facts testify to the slowing down of the processes of deceleration of the physical development of modern children. As a result of the testing of movement qualities using non-specific exercises for kettlebell sports, it was found that the indicators improve every year in all exercises (p<0.05), especially in the 30 m run, which noticeably increased in the interval from 9-10, 10 -11 and 9 to 11 years, in the 1000 m run, the indicators improved in all age groups. In specific tests, which are characteristic of kettlebell sports, such as the bench press, as well as hand dynamometry, there was an increase in the result in all age groups (p<0.001).

Author Biographies

Viktor Dzhym, Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture

Associate Professor, Candidate of Sciences in Physics education and sports Professor of the Department of Athletics and Strength Sports of the Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture (Kharkiv, Ukraine)

Vyacheslav Mulik, Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture

Professor, Doctor of Sciences in Physics education and sports Rector of the Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture (Kharkiv, Ukraine)


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