


emotional stability, preschoolers,, pedagogical conditions and methods.


The article is devoted to highlighting and justifying the pedagogical conditions and methods of forming the preschooler’s emotional stability in the music lessons. It was revealed that music helps to develop the emotional component and is one of the most powerful means of personality formation, therefore the formation of individual qualities of preschoolers, in particular, children's emotional stability, takes place effectively in the music lessons. The article establishes the influence of pedagogical conditions and methods on the educational course and cognitive process, the result of which is the successful implementation of active practical activities. It has been proven that complex music lessons, developed taking into pedagogical conditions and methods, will maximally contribute to the awakening of individual creativity, the harmonization of the psycho-emotional sphere and the formation preschooler’s emotional stability.
The purpose of the work is to outline and substantiate the pedagogical conditions and methods of forming preschooler’s emotional stability in the music classes.
The methodology of humanistic, anthropological and systemic approaches is used.
Scientific novelty consists in determining the essence of preschooler’s emotional stability, as a complex integrative quality of the individual, which provides the ability to withstand a state of uncertainty in difficult emotionally stressful conditions and to carry out productive activities. For the first time, pedagogical conditions and methods of forming the preschooler’s emotional stability in the music classes have been developed and proposed.
Conclusions. Pedagogical conditions and methods of forming the preschooler’s emotional stability in the music classes are an important component of the child's psycho-emotional sphere harmonization. It has been proven that such pedagogical conditions as: ensuring constructive interaction of participants in the educational process; implementation of pedagogical situations of positive emotional empathy artistic’s images in the music classes; using the modern pedagogical technologies of Art-education (game, association, suggestive, etc.) contribute to the improvement of individual characteristics, disclosure the creative potential and form the preschooler’s emotional stability in the music lessons.

Author Biography

Nataliia Borshchenko , Ukrainian National Pedagogical Dragomanov University

Graduate student Department
of Art Pedagogy and piano performance,
Ukrainian National Pedagogical
Dragomanov University
(Kyiv, Ukraine)


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