Pupils, high school, functional, training, mini-footballAbstract
The purpose of the research is to substantiate the effectiveness of functional training for the development of motor qualities of high school pupils in the process of mini-football classes.
Methodology of the research. To achieve this problem, the following methods were used, the validity, objectivity and informativeness of which is confirmed by many studies in the field of pedagogy, physical education and biomechanics: theoretical (analysis and synthesis of scientific literature and best practice experience), which made it possible to find out the current state of the theory and practice of organizing the educational process of physical education of high school pupils in general secondary education institutions, to systematize and summarize information about the object under study; empirical (pedagogical observation, pedagogical testing to diagnose the level of development of pupils' motor qualities, stabilography); pedagogical experiment was conducted to test the effectiveness of the developed content of functional training classes for the development of motor qualities of high school pupils during mini-football classes; methods of statistical data processing to process the results of the study for the purpose of their qualitative, quantitative analysis and validity of the conclusions.
The scientific novelty lies in the fact that the content of functional training for the development of motor qualities of high school pupils in the process of mini-football classes has been developed.
Conclusions. One of the modern and promising means of integrated development of motor qualities is functional training, which focuses on training body functions, making it the most effective form of training today.
When applying functional training during mini-football classes, a positive dynamics of indicators reflecting the level of development of important motor qualities in high school pupils (p≤0.05) was revealed.
Increase of senior school age pupils' physical fitness level testifies that application of implemented functional training means for development of senior school pupils' motor qualities during mini-football classes is effective. Pupils became more coordinated and ready to shift the balance on the football field, constant struggle, as well as to sharp and unpredictable movements in various planes of the body.
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