endurance, movement coordination, motor skills, development, high school studentsAbstract
The significance and content of movement endurance and coordination as person’s important motor quality have been updated; movement’s endurance and coordination entire improvement as the main direction of high school students’ physical education has been explained; scientific trends reflecting the research analysis have been analysed; the principal regulations have been outlined to highlight the essence of developing movement endurance and coordination as important motor quality and criterion for human motor function; the key concepts based on scientific resources analysis and obtained theoretical conclusions have been specified.
Purpose of the article is to reveal the essence and meaning of movement endurance and coordination as person’s important motor quality; to carry out the research analysis on the issue of endurance and movement coordination development in high school students.
Methodology. The research is based on the following theoretical methods: search, abstraction, analysis and generalization of literary sources. These methods allowed finding out the current state of the theory and prospects of the scientific issue, systematizing and summarizing the information on the researched object. The comparative and contrasting research methods were used to examine in contrast the views of scientists and practitioners on the topic and the clarification of the key concepts.
Scientific novelty is that the systematic analysis of the theoretical and methodological fundamentals of students’ endurance and movement coordination development within the framework of various theoretical concepts and approaches has been carried out. Scientific essence of endurance and movement coordination as person’s important motor qualities and criteria has been suggested.
Conclusions. Within the scientific work we have reached the following conclusions: the require-ments of modern society for the level of young people’s physical fitness determine the need for total development of motor skills in high school students, in particular, endurance and coordination of movements, which is one of the main directions of the physical education process. The analysis of the scientific literature on the problem and the common characteristics of movement endurance and coordination as motor qualities and criteria for human motor function made it possible to find out the significance, content, types and features of its development in high school students, identify the need of solving complex scientific tasks of improving schoolchildren’s motor activity, outline the further implementation of trends towards individualization of education, start the search for new forms and means of developing movement endurance and coordination in high school students.
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