reflection of educational activity, reflexive management, students of the Physical Culture InstituteAbstract
The structuring of educational activities for Institute of Physical Culture students based on their understanding of their own experience (reflection) provides for a deeper understanding of the essence of professional formation and creates conditions for creative development.
The purpose of this study is to identify the essence of reflexive educational activity management o as a pedagogical process caused by internal and external laws of future physical culture specialist formation as a professional teacher; to determine the content of reflexive management, which provides a research nature and orientation of both student and teacher to understand their initial positions (prerequisites) for understanding the essence of professional pedagogical education, that is, based on the methodological basis of reflection of consciousness and mental acts, to develop a variant of its transformation into the conditions of reflection of consciousness through the reflection of activity.
Research methods. To achieve the goal were used the following methods of research: a) theoretical: analysis and synthesis of scientific sources to support the relevance of the research problem; b) experimental: participant observation, questionnaires, testing, and pedagogical monitoring.
The scientific novelty of the research is to identify the essence of reflexive management of educational activity as a pedagogical process caused by internal and external laws of future physical culture specialist formation as a professional teacher; determination of the reflexive management content, which provides a research nature and orientation of both the student and teacher thinking to understand their initial positions (prerequisites) for understanding the essence of professional pedagogical education.
Inference: Based on our analysis, reflexive management of the learning activities of future specialists in the physical culture field and sports can be defined as a purposeful, flexible interaction of the teacher with students, which proceeds based on a gradual transformation of the superposition of the teacher and the subordinate position of the student into personally equal positions of cooperating people as a result of the reflexive principle's implementation and technologies of intensifying learning.
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