
  • Svetlana Tsyhai Department of Patrol Police



differentiated teaching mythology for senior schoolgirls, the result and diagnostic component, motor actions, typological group, deferential criterions, biomechanical indexes


The differentiated teaching methodology for senior schoolgirls ensures the functional effectiveness of the coordinated mechanism with the requirements of unity and multi-vector physical education in schools, which, based on the state standard, carries out variable construction of all components of physical education taking into consideration the individual students’ characteristics.
The purpose of the article is to show the key place of the result-diagnostic component of the differentiated teaching methodology for senior schoolgirls based on the analysis of scientific sources and conducted experimental studies and the obtained comparative results, using the example of mastering motor actions from the educational module «Gymnastics» by experimental and control groups of ten-year-old schoolgirls in the structure of the physical culture educational process in general secondary educational establishments.
The methodological basis of the scientific research is a comparative analysis of the diagnostic results of the experimental and control ten-year-old girls groups readiness to learn motor actions from the educational module «Gymnastics» and the level results of mastering of motor actions from this module at the end of its study; analysis and synthesis of the theoretical substantiation of the value of the result-diagnostic component in the structure of the methodology of differentiated training of motor actions of girls of secondary school age.
The scientific novelty of the article consists in proving the statement that the methodology of differentiated training of motor actions for senior schoolgirls has a number of significant advantages: it satisfies the individual cognitive needs of students, is based on taking into considerations their typological features, increases the level of motor activity motivations thanks to the creation of a «successful situation» and provides opportunities for the full motor abilities realization of each participant of the educational process, and the result-diagnostic component is the main information link for the teacher and student in the structure of this methodology.
The conclusions prove that the key feature of the methodology of differentiated training of motor actions lies in the cyclical and stepwise nature of the diagnosis: from establishing the level of readiness to learn a motor action to determining the level of mastering of a certain motor skills. That is, the result-diagnostic component of the methodology of differentiated training of motor actions for senior schoolgirls is a fundamental element of the structure of the educational process during physical education lessons.
The main task of this mtthodology is to ensure the maximum productive activities of each student, to establish an optimal movement mode, to mobilize their abilities more fully. Taking into considaration the degree of physical maturation, physical development, the nature of adaptation to muscle activity makes it possibility to further individualize the process of physical education of the senior schoolgirls.
Therefore, the result-diagnostic component of the methodology of differentiated teaching of motor actions for the senior schoolgirls, being closely connected to its procedural-diagnostic compo-nent, is one of the main elements of the structure in the educational process of physical education.
The main task of this article is to show the key place of the result and diagnostic component of motor actions differentiated teaching mythology for senior schoolgirls in the structure of Physical Culture teaching process in the secondary educational establishments on the base of scientific sources and practical experiment results taking from experimental and control group of 10-aged girls.
The method of teaching motor actions of girls of secondary school age has a number of significant advantages: it satisfies the individual cognitive requests of students, is based on taking into account their typological features, increases the level of motivation of motor activity thanks to the creation of a «situation of success» and provides opportunities for the full realization of the motor abilities of each participant in the educational process.

Author Biography

Svetlana Tsyhai, Department of Patrol Police

Policeman, Management of the patrol police in the Chernigiv region of the Department of Patrol Police (Chernihiv, Ukraine)


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