


archery, biomechanical system «bow–archer», sports equipment, chronology of development


The sports equipment plays an important role in achieving a high sports result in almost any sport. This is especially important in those sports, the essence of which is the high-quality possession of technical means. Such sports include archery. The use of technically well-chosen, high-quality weapons and arrows is one of the most important factors in the formation of a sports result. And although this fact is indisputable, there are practically no scientific works that comprehensively characterize the evolution of the archer sports equipment during the 20th century, their influence on the change in sports technique and sports performance of shooters.
The purpose of the scientific research is to determine the trends in the development of the sports equipment of archers during the last hundred years.
Methodology. The method of achieving the goal of the work is based on the analysis of scientific and methodical literature, Internet sites of international and national archery federations, which highlight the history of the development of archery, the development and improvement of the sports equipment in archery, the history of manufacturers of sports weapons for archers. Periodization of the received information is applied, as well as historical-comparative, historical-systemic and historical-typological methods of its processing.
Scientific novelty. The article provides for the first time systematic information about the evolution of the inventory used by archers during the 20th century. The key innovations in archery, which directly affected the sports performance of archers, as well as the change in options for using technological techniques in the process of executing a complete shot, are characterized.
Conclusions. The most important chronological sequence and stages of the introduction of technological innovations and improvement of the sports equipment of archers during the 20th century have been established. The impact of these innovations on the development of sports archery is characterized.

Author Biographies

Bogdan Vynogradskyi, Ivan Boberskyi Lviv State University of Physical Culture

Researcher ID AAT-7936-2021
Scopus-Author ID 56239795200
Doctor of Sciences in physical education and sports, professor Head of the department of shooting and technical sports, Ivan Boberskyi Lviv State University of Physical Culture (Lviv, Ukraine)

Oleksandr Kalynichenko, Sports and Health Lviv National University of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology named after Stepan Gzhitskyi

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Associate Professor of the Department of Physical Education, Sports and Health Lviv National University of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology named after Stepan Gzhitskyi (Lviv, Ukraine)


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