



communication style, creative interaction, choir,, communication skills


The purpose of the article. Disclosure of the issue of creative interaction of future music teachers with a group of singers, which constitutes the specificity of their pedagogical communication in the process of working with the choir.
Methodology. The following research methods are used in the article: the method of studying scientific sources regarding the essence of the concepts: «communication», «communicativeness»; the method of theoretical analysis regarding the understanding of the individual style of activity, the individual style of communication of a modern music teacher.
Scientific novelty. The conducted systematization and generalization of the views of scientists regarding the understanding of the concept of «pedagogical communication» made it possible to determine the essence of this concept in relation to the work of future music teachers with the choir.
Conclusions. Summarizing the results of the analysis of modern scientific research made it possible to come to the conclusion that the specifics of working with a choir determines the specifics of pedagogical communication of future music teachers in the process of this activity, affects the development of their communication skills, the formation of individual communication style, and the ability to creative interaction. The article analyzes the views of scientists on the issue of pedagogical communication in the work of a modern teacher, summarizes the conclusions of scientists regarding the essence and types of communication in the work of a teacher of artistic disciplines, specifies the main styles of communication between a conductor and choristers, reveals the specifics of pedagogical communication of future music teachers in the process of working with a choir in psychological and pedagogical aspect. The own understanding of pedagogical communication of future music teachers is outlined as a manifestation of their communicative abilities, which is the result of the activation of their educational and cognitive and practical activities with the aim of forming their own individual style, the image of a modern teacher, aimed at achieving creative interaction of subjects of learning.

Author Biography

Wang Yinan , M.P. Dragomanov National Pedagogical University

Postgraduate of the Theory and Methodologу of Musical
Education, Choral Singing and Conducting Department,
M.P. Dragomanov National Pedagogical University
(Kyiv, Ukraine)


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