applicants of higher education, test, pedagogical testing, universities of Ukraine and the USAAbstract
Problem. The article analyzes the current state of pedagogical testing in university education in Ukraine and the USA. Increasing the effectiveness of the organization of test control and assessment of knowledge, skills, and abilities of higher education students is becoming urgent.
The purpose of this research is to substantiate the theoretical foundations of the effectiveness of pedagogical testing in universities in Ukraine and the United States.
Research methodology based on general principles of philosophy, basic modern provisions of pedagogical science, psychology and reflects the relationship of methodological approaches to the study of the process of pedagogical testing and its use in universities of Ukraine and the USA.
Object of research: educational process in universities of Ukraine and the USA.
Scientific novelty. It is substantiated that the effectiveness of pedagogical testing is influenced by the state of the university's informatization, as well as: provision of the educational process with electronic textbooks, manuals, methodical recommendations; competence of professors and teaching staff in the development and use of tests; willingness to study and implement advanced pedagogical experience; logical construction of the test control system in the pedagogical process of the university; readiness of applicants to work with tests.
Conclusions. Pedagogical testing is a modern process of assessment and control of knowledge, abilities and skills of higher education students. The application of pedagogical testing within the educational process of a separate university both in Ukraine and in the USA improves the process of effective assessment and control. Test control allows you to obtain unbiased knowledge about the level of initial achievements of higher education applicants, and therefore, to establish the quality of training and the quality of education of a future specialist. In the USA, the effectiveness of pedagogical testing is influenced by the state of the university's informatization, in particular, multimedia and telecommunication resources. The theoretical justification of pedagogical testing is based on the principles of: systematicity of its conduct; the openness of its purpose; objectivity and comprehensibility of its results; effectiveness of consequences.
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