synergy, synergistic approach, cognitive independenceAbstract
The ability of an individual to adapt to changing conditions is determined by the level of cognitive independence, the formation of which should be considered as one of the main tasks of the educational process and is important in the formation of professional competence of students of higher educational institutions. The importance of cognitive independence is due to the strengthening of the role of the concept of continuous education in pedagogical practice. From the point of view of the synergistic approach, cognitive independence can be considered as a complex open dynamic system. The purpose of the work is to justify the feasibility of using a synergistic approach to the study of cognitive independence of students, analysis of cognitive independence and its components.
Methodology. The methodological basis of the article is general scientific methods of analysis, synthesis, generalization and systematization; principles of dialectics, historicism, scientificity, objectivity. Cognitive independence of students is a complex system capable of self-organization, the detection of regularities of which can be carried out using a synergistic approach.
The scientific novelty is that the feasibility of using a synergistic approach to the study of students' cognitive independence has been substantiated.
Conclusions. The considered characteristics of the use of a synergistic approach to the study of students' cognitive activity allow us to assert that its implementation is an effective mechanism for the study of cognitive independence. This approach contributes to a deeper analysis of the components of cognitive independence as a single open dissipative dynamic system.
The use of a synergistic approach to the study of independent cognitive activity of students allows you to determine its structure and develop new forms of organizing students' independent work, which is important for the development of professional competence and further interest in self-education. The further direction of research involves the study of the mechanisms of formation of students' independent activity under the influence of various dynamic factors. It is also planned to use the materials of this study when writing methodological recommendations for teaching professional disciplines in universities.
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