pedagogical activity, professional training, teacher, future teacher, physical cultureAbstract
For successful professional activity, the future specialist needs to acquire in-depth knowledge of theoretical and practical disciplines – sports pedagogy, physical education methods, teaching methods, and class structuring, and possess the necessary organizational skills. The professional training of a teacher, and his personality, without a doubt, take one of the main places in the system of pedagogical education. A specialist's professionalism is one of his most essential characteristics. The success of a physical education teacher's work depends precisely on the level of professionalism.
In the psychological structure of pedagogical activity, researchers distinguish constructive, organizational, communicative and gnostic components. It is possible to distinguish constructive, communicative, organizational, and gnostic components of the activity of a physical education teacher.
Professional-pedagogical activity should be considered based on the personal characteristics of the teacher called to perform his professional-pedagogical functions. Functional skills development of future physical education teachers is a multifaceted process, the uniqueness of which lies in the mechanisms of management and regulation of the student's activity during his physical activity.
Important aspects of pedagogical activity are goal setting, the characterization of cognitive needs and motives, management, and a comprehensive method of managing the state and students’ activity. An important element of pedagogical activity is the pedagogical task.
The main purpose of the article is to analyze the pedagogical aspects of the professional training of future physical education teachers.
The methodological basis of the article are philosophical, psychological, pedagogical theories and regulations that reveal the conceptual approaches due to the studied issues.
The academic novelty lies in the study of the essence of the facilitative approach due to the process of continuous professional growth of physical education teachers.
Conclusion. Pedagogical activity defines at the level of such categories as student, teacher, and educational information. The main result of the pedagogical activity is the development of the student's personality, abilities and competence. Therefore, an important condition for the successful mastering of pedagogical activity is students forming a correct idea about its content and structure.
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