scientific approach, pedagogical principle, academic vocal performance culture, academic tradition, bel cantoAbstract
The purpose of the article. Presentation of scientific approaches and pedagogical principles of the formation of the academic vocal and performing culture of future PSMOU teachers.
Methodology The following methods are used in the article: source study, comparative, systemic, generalization, universalization.
Scientific novelty. For the first time, scientific approaches and pedagogical principles for the formation of the academic vocal and performing culture of future primary specialized art educational institution teachers are classified.
Conclusions. The article reflects the problem of the methodological foundations for the formation of the academic vocal-performing culture of future teachers of the primary specialized art educational institution, substantiates scientific approaches (culturological, axiological, communicative-creative, acmeological, competence-based, personality-oriented) and developed pedagogical principles (orientations); understanding of academism as a standard of vocal and performing culture of a teacher of primary specialized art educational institution, education of value orientations in future teachers of primary specialized art educational institution in academic vocal and performing culture, academization of vocal and performing culture of singing; interpretive activity, achieving the highest level of academic vocal and performing skills, achieving the highest level of pedagogical skills based on the dissemination of the values of academic vocal and performing culture; the unity of the theoretical and practical training of the performer-bearer of the academic vocal-performing culture; methodological competence of the teacher-relay of the values of the academic tradition; academic vocal and performing individual presentability; pedagogical individual presentability based on the methods and techniques of staging a child's voice in the academic tradition, contributing to the effective formation of the academic vocal and performing culture of future teachers of the primary specialized art educational institution.
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