topography, topographic maps, topographic preparation, locality, orientation to the terrainAbstract
The article reveals the importance of topographic training in human life. A brief description of the topographic map as a result of topographic research of the Earth's surface is provided. The skills that are formed as a result of using topographic maps are revealed. A list of topics for the study of the course «Topography and orientation on the terrain» for students of higher education institutions is offered. Methods of improving the assimilation of material from topography and orientation to the terrain are proposed. Having theoretical and practical knowledge of topography will allow you to quickly and correctly study the terrain, orient yourself on it, and easily move along the intended route.
The purpose of the work is to substantiate the expediency of studying topographic training in institutions of higher education.
Methodology. Theoretical research methods are used in the work. A generalization of scientific research on the investigated problem was carried out.
Conclusions. Providing reliable orientation on the terrain is one of the main purposes of a topographic map. With the help of a map, you can accurately determine your location, confidently maintain a given or planned route, and quickly navigate the terrain. Thus, the topographic map was and remains a reliable assistant in unfamiliar terrain. In order to confidently navigate any terrain and with limited visibility, you need to know the map well and be able to work with it. All these skills will be provided by a combination of theoretical knowledge with practical skills in topography in classes both in the classroom and in the open area.
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