daily energy expenditure, a student of higher education, health, policeman, motor activity, special physical trainingAbstract
The aim: to determine the index of daily motor activity and energy expenditure of higher education graduates of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in modern conditions of study.
Methodology. To achieve the goal and solve the research tasks, a complex of modern general scientific methods was used: theoretical (methods of conceptual and comparative analysis, structural and systemic analysis, synthesis, generalization); empirical (questionnaires, testing, pedagogical observation), methods of mathematical statistics. With the help of theoretical methods, they systematized and summarized information about the researched object and subject, compared the available theoretical approaches and methods of determining the level of motor activity. To determine the motor activity index and daily energy expenditure of higher education students, the Framingham method was used, which is based on the registration of activities during the day. The methods of mathematical statistics were used for the correct processing of the obtained results.
Scientific novelty. The scientific novelty of the study consists in the determination and analysis of the levels of daily motor activity and daily energy expenditure of higher education graduates of the Higher Education Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in modern learning conditions and the search for promising directions for their improvement.
Conclusions. On the basis of the conducted research, the levels of motor activity, the index of motor activity and daily energy expenditure of students of higher education of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine during their studies were determined and analyzed. It was established that the index of motor activity of future law enforcement officers is 32.68±0.45 points; daily energy consumption is 2537±33.9 kcal. The obtained results testify to the insufficient level of motor activity of the cadets and require the introduction of innovations that would contribute to increasing the motivation for physical exercises and increasing the level of motor activity.
Prospects for further research consist in conducting a comparative analysis of the index of motor activity and daily energy expenditure of cadets of the Military Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine during various stages of training.
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