sensory education, children with special needsAbstract
The article presents ways of implementing a creative approach to the organization of sensory development of preschool children with special educational needs in preschool education institutions. In addition to the purely organizational aspect, the creative self-realization of a preschool teacher also includes an activity aspect, which is presented in the practice of the teacher's professional activity. The implementation of the creative approach took place through the development of author's sensory education classes and the creation of the content of the appropriate sensory environment.
The purpose of the work is to present the results of the implementation of the creative approach implemented in the preschool education institution in the organization of sensory development of children with special educational needs.
Methodology The implementation of the creative approach was carried out with children of middle preschool age (five years old) with special educational needs (impaired vision) in a preschool education institution. In the practical work, the author's classes are implemented and the subject content of the sensory environment is created (sensory room, sensory corner, sensory boards, toys for the development of fine motor skills, sensory rugs, sensory pool, busy boards, sound instruments, etc.).
The scientific novelty of the obtained results lies in the expansion and addition of scientific information about the peculiarities of the sensory development of preschool children with special educational needs.
Conclusions The implementation of a creative approach through the development of a subject-spatial environment made it possible to improve the quality of sensory education of preschool children with special educational needs.
The practical significance of the work is the development, creation and substantive filling of the correctional and developmental environment, which is actively used in the sensory development of children with special educational needs.
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