STEM education, STEM subjects, STEM equipment, educational practices, health careAbstract
The article examines the issue of the quality of the implementation of STEM education in general secondary education institutions and the relevance of the training of relevant specialists taking into account the educational practices of health care. Scientific approaches to the comfortable implementation of STEM education are analyzed. An overview of educational practices related to the development and teaching of STEM is presented. The purpose of the article is to analyze scientific approaches to the definition of STEM education; research of existing educational practices regarding the development and implementation of STEM subjects and determination of ways of their implementation in the educational process for the purpose of health protection.
Methodology. The methodological basis of our research is a systematic, person-oriented approach, according to the analysis of psychological and pedagogical sources of information and the analysis of modern pedagogical experience on the implementation of STEM education in the process of training future teachers. The work uses a multi-level systematic analysis of informational scientific sources, which is based on the general, partially scientific, and specifically scientific philosophical level of knowledge.
The scientific novelty consists in establishing the main approaches to the introduction of STEM education in the process of preparing future teachers to carry out health-preserving activities in educational institutions.
Conclusions. STEM education is becoming for Ukraine one of the key directions of modernization of the educational sector, a component of the state policy on strengthening the economy and development of human capital, one of the main factors of sustainable innovative development. STEM education is one of the areas of anticipatory education for sustainable development, which is expected to respond to the current and future demands of Industry 4.0. It is she who must provide high-tech production with the necessary personnel. The future of economic growth largely depends on the availability of qualified STEM specialists, the beginning of whose formation should be laid at the elementary school level, and then in basic and specialized schools through the active implementation of STEM education. Its development should be supported by the development of new educational disciplines, electives, and clubs based on the active involvement of students in «learning through discovery.» We see promising areas of research in the analysis of Internet resources for the organization of STEM lessons and the preparation of methodological recommendations for teachers, students and parents.
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