highly qualified track and field athletes, quarantine restrictions, training processAbstract
to find new approaches to the organization of the training process of highly qualified track and field athletes, to develop new forms, methods of training in various types of track and field.
The purpose of this study: to determine the peculiarities of the organization of the training process of highly qualified track and field athletes, which will allow to maintain or increase the level of physical fitness of highly qualified track and field athletes, specializing in speed and strength types of track and field, in the conditions of the СОVID–19 pandemic.
Methodology. To achieve the goal, a number of theoretical methods were used, namely: generalization and systematization of scientific sources to substantiate the relevance of the research problem; content analysis of Internet sources to study the practical state of development of the problem; pedagogical experiment, testing.
The scientific novelty consists in providing recommendations regarding the organization of the training process of highly qualified track and field athletes in the conditions of the COVID–19 pandemic based on the approved methodical recommendations of the FAU and the recommendations of leading coaches who work with highly qualified track and field athletes.
Conclusions: the obtained above-mentioned increase in the competitive result is a fairly significant indicator of the improvement of the results and indicates that the developed method of organizing the training process of highly qualified track and field athletes helped the experimental group to maintain the level of preparedness in quarantine conditions and to show decent results in the future.
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