art teacher, folk art, regional art, student, professional trainingAbstract
The purpose of the article. Actualization of the problem of using regional folk art in the content of professional training of future teachers of fine arts.
Methodology. Analysis of regulatory documents defining the content and tasks of the educational field «Art». Study of the empirical experience of teaching fine arts in institutions of general secondary education and the content of professional disciplines in the system of professional training of future teachers of fine arts; study of literary sources, pedagogical observations, methods of comparison and generalization of scientific and methodical researches on issues of art education.
Scientific novelty. The experience of using the regional component in the system of professional training of future teachers of fine arts is offered by including in the educational program the educational and creative practice of ethnographic content and filling professional disciplines with separate topics from the study of regional folk art.
Conclusions. The study of regional folk art ensures the formation of national culture, aesthetic taste and awareness of a special system of symbolic representation of the world in future fine art teachers. The use of the regional component in the content of professional training contributes to the awareness of the foundations of national formation, the development of a sense of harmonious combination of form, color and decoration in modern works of art. Interpreting the traditions of folk art in modern author's works, students realize unlimited educational and creative development opportunities based on the cultural and artistic foundations of traditional and regional decorative and applied art and implemented in modern techniques and materials.
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