



polytechnicization, postgraduate pedagogical education, polytechnic training, managerial pedagogical staff, school principals


The article examines the issue of relevance for the modernization of modern postgraduate education of heads of general secondary education institutions of Ukraine of the acquired pedagogical experience in the process of upgrading the qualifications of school principals, in the aspect of their polytechnic training at various stages of formation and development of postgraduate education. The purpose of the presented research is to conduct a historical-pedagogical analysis of the development of postgraduate pedagogical education of the leading pedagogical staff of Ukraine in the 50s of the 20th century. The retrospective historical-pedagogical analysis of the development of the system of postgraduate pedagogical education of the leading pedagogical staff of Ukraine in the 1950s of the 20th century established the actualization of attention to the polytechnic component of their retraining, which was connected with the state's course on the polytechnicization of school education. A variety of archival sources have been worked out, which reflect the trends in the development of polytechnic training of leading pedagogical personnel in the course of improving their qualifications. The publications in which the issues of polytechnicization of school education and pedagogical education of the specified period were studied were analyzed. The normative documents of the studied period, which formed the policy of the state regarding polytechnicization in the field of education in general and postgraduate pedagogical education in particular, were elaborated. The leading trends in the process of polytechnic training of school principals are singled out, and the characteristics of numerous reforms in the field of school education, which as a result had an impact on the postgraduate education of leading pedagogical personnel, are characterized. The changes that took place in the content of training courses for school principals in connection with the polytechnicization of school education are substantiated. The presented study does not exhaust the question of the relevance of the study of the polytechnic component in improving the qualifications of leading pedagogical staff at the next stages of the development of postgraduate education in the second half of the 20th and early 21st centuries.

Author Biography

V. Kuzmenko, Communal Higher Educational Establishment Kherson Academy of Continuing Education of Kherson Regional Council

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor,
Head of the Department of Pedagogy and
Management of Education,
Communal Higher Educational Establishment
Kherson Academy of Continuing Education of Kherson Regional Council
(Kherson, Ukraine)


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