


female diocesan school, music education, spiritual upbringing, music training for teachers, forms, methods and means


The article explores the genesis of female diocesan schools in Ukraine, which resulted from the influence of democratic reforms during the 1860 – the 70s on the system of domestic secondary spiritual education for women. It describes the curriculum of the newly established educational institutions in the second half of the 19th century, which provided primary training for elementary school teachers. Specifically, it analyzes the role and significance of music education in the curricula of that time, which contributed to the proper spiritual upbringing of the students in these institutions. The study reveals and describes the forms and methods of music education and musical training in the female diocesan schools of Southern Ukraine during the latter half of the 19th century.
The purpose is to determine the role and significance of music education in the curricula of female diocesan schools in Ukraine during their establishment and early stages of operation (1860 – the 70s).
The scientific novelty consists in expanding the scope of studying the problem of establishing and developing female diocesan schools in Ukraine as one of the prerequisites for developing pedagogical educational institutions of different types that have trained elementary school teachers. In particular, the study focuses on exploring the content of musical training with regard to the education of Ukrainian women, which significantly influenced not only their spiritual upbringing but also the development of music pedagogy. The productive experiences of the past on the specified issues can have a broad practical application in contemporary schools when developing authors' models, educational programs, and methodological guides to enhance the effectiveness of musical training for students.
Methodology. This study employs general scientific research methods such as analytical – synthetic, generalization, and systematization to characterize the source base. Historical methods, including chronological, retrospective, and typological, are also used to trace the specifics of music training in female diocesan schools in Ukraine during the analyzed period, generalize its content, and identify the forms of educational process organization and assessment of students' progress.
Conclusions. Hence, the successive educational reforms in the latter half of the 19th century in Ukraine resulted in the first female diocesan schools established as secondary educational institutions whose graduates could later become elementary school teachers. The initial purpose of founding these schools was purely the educational and spiritual upbringing of clergy children (daughters). Music education in the curriculum of female diocesan schools in Ukraine played a vital role in the aesthetic, religious, spiritual and moral upbringing of teachers – to – be in rural and folk schools, which further contributed to an increase in the country's population literacy rate.

Author Biography

V. Prymakova, Communal Higher Educational Establishment «Kherson Academy of Continuing Education» of Kherson Regional Council

Researcher ID C-9339-2019
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences,
Professor of the Department Theories and Methods of Upbringing,
Psychology and Inclusive Education,
Communal Higher Educational Establishment
«Kherson Academy of Continuing Education» of Kherson Regional Council
(Kherson, Ukraine)


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