


communication skills, orchestra group, future music teachers, principles, synergy, professional training


Objective. The purpose of the article is theoretical and methodological justification of pedagogical principles and highlight the features of their application in the structure of the training of future teachers of musical art for practical training work because communication skills are an important component in the education process, especially artistic. Related innovations will contribute greater efficiency and quality in the work of educational institutions of art education because modern education in Ukraine places new demands on the quality of the learning process. At present, the development of art education reached the level required of students of a higher education institution mobility and such a level of communication that will allow developing creative thinking, a creative approach to the process of education and upbringing, to find information that will help to follow an innovative path and, thanks to this, to successfully adapt to the labour market. The complex nature of tasks in the teaching profession requires a modern specialist to be aware of various branches of science, possession of various cognitive skills and free operation these assets. Mastering the future teacher of musical art through professional skill involves its expansion of professional activity, and improvement of didactics, psychology, and methodology. The future teacher of modern musical art must also be a musician – teacher and a musician-performer, and an educator-mentor. He also must master effective innovative technologies and master them freely for the sake of the improvement of the process of artistic education and upbringing.
Methodology. Study of the problem of readiness of future teachers musical art to perform their professional activities in new conditions educational paradigms were paid attention to by scientists of various interdisciplinary professions: philosophy – V. Andrushchenko, I. Zyazyun, V. Kremen, O. Lavrynenko, V. Lutai, etc.; general psychological and pedagogical – A. Aleksiuk, A. Kapska, I. Kozlovska, O. Pehota etc.; methodology – A. Bolgarskyi, N. Guziy, I. Glazunova, A. Kozyr, V. Labunets, O. Oleksyuk, G. Padalka, E. Provorova, O. Rostovskyi, O. Shevnyuk, O. Shcholokova, O. Khyzhna and others; issues related to the development of creative activity devoted their research to I. Bekh, S. Honcharenko, O. Rudnytska, V. Shulgin and others.
Scientific innovation. The article reveals the features of the application of art education of specific pedagogical principles – synergistic, cultural and dialogic, which were selected by us during the research of the process of formation of communication skills among students of arts faculties of pedagogical universities at the classes of the orchestra. Shown the complexity of applying these principles in artistic methodology education and the complex nature of their action; it is emphasized that the application of each of these principles is basic in the formation of communication skills of future music teachers.
Conclusions. Modern society is changing rapidly, and art education must take this into account because old technologies do not provide an opportunity to reflect an objective picture of contemporary development, and a way out of such a situation can be found only in expedient innovations. Without change there is no progress; new should be built, considering and applying classical developments and positive experiences.

Author Biography

H. Savchenko, Dragomanov Ukrainian State University

Senior teacher of the Department of instrumental and orchestra
performance of the faculty of arts named after Anatolii Avdievskii,
Dragomanov Ukrainian State University
(Kyiv, Ukraine)


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