legal culture, youth, legal consciousness, social stateAbstract
The purpose of the article is to reveal the essence of the concept of legal youth culture, to highlight its specific characteristics, and to prove that legal culture of youth is a systemic factor of a rule-of-law democratic state.
Methodology. The methodological basis of the study was formed by general scientific methods. Using a systematic approach, the we investigated the concept of legal culture of young people as an integral set of elements in the totality of relations and connections between them, a complex dynamic system. Using the dialectical method, the we analyses the structure of the concept and draws a conclusion about its central constituent elements. The application of the functional method made it possible to identify the specific features of the functions of legal consciousness, legal culture and the principles of legal education of young people. Additionally, the article is supplemented by a critical reflection on previous scientific achievements on the issues of legal culture.
The scientific novelty of the article is expressed in the comprehensive characterization of the «legal culture of youth» definition. Based on the synthesis of the main approaches to understanding the legal culture of society, we identify the main features of the concept of legal culture of youth, define its peculiarities as a dynamic socio-legal phenomenon, and outlines the understanding of legal consciousness as a central element of legal culture and a key component of the formation of a modern democratic state.
Conclusions. Today, there are many different approaches to the «legal culture of youth» definition which are based on the general features of the definition of legal culture and emphasize its specific features. From the standpoint of an integrative approach, legal culture of young people appears as a holistic dynamic social phenomenon consisting of the following main elements: law as a regulatory normative and value system, legal consciousness as a reflection of legal norms and values in the minds of people, and legal behavior. It should be emphasized that the legal culture of young people is both an independent legal phenomenon and a part of the legal culture of society. The study of this issue is becoming increasingly relevant in modern conditions, as raising the level of legal culture and education of young people is one of the promising ways to maintain sustainability and spiritual security in society, to implement the ideas of equality and non-discrimination, to support social justice, etc. The formation of legal awareness and legal culture is carried out throughout the entire process of socialization of the individual. Therefore, today there is a clear problem of raising the legal awareness and culture of the entire population of Ukraine in general and young people in particular, since the construction of a democratic, social, rule-of-law state and the relevant civil society is illusory without this.
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