digitalisation of pedagogical activity, online communication, videoconfe-rencing, digital etiquette, digital competence of a lecturerAbstract
The article is dedicated to the actual direction of contemporary education development – its digitilisation. The digitilisation of education led to the necessity of formation of special digital skills at all participants of pedagogical process, development of new regulations and rules of communication in a digital environment. With regard to this ethics and culture of professional pedagogical communication has been changed. An ordinary lesson has been turned into online conference, where there is no direct contact of participants, where the lecturer has to transform radically the ways of presenting learning material, to organize practical work group interaction of students in a new way and to use new ways of getting feedback.
The article proves the importance of using digital etiquette not only by a lecturer but by all participants of online communication, because effectiveness of the whole learning is affected by this. Methodical and ethical aspects of digital communication are considered. Special attention is paid to the technical aspects of holding videoconferencing. There are also results of pedagogical experience of the authors in organizing online communication.
The aim of the article is the research of peculiarities of communication in digital environment (especially during videoconferencing) in different aspects – psychological, methodical, ethical and technical, also making practical recommendations for improving effectiveness of online communication.
Methodology of research: analysis and systematization of scientific publications and pedagogical experience in research theme, interpretation and generalization of the results, making practical recommendations.
Scientific novelty is in grounding the value of digital etiquette skills for all participants of pedagogical process, in development of new regulations and rules of pedagogical online communication during videoconferencing.
Conclusions. Increasing influence of technologies and changes in social and economic environment force educational institutions, educators and students to adapt to new realities. Online education has become an important element of educational process and demands specific skills and approaches to interaction. Using digital etiquette is an extremely important aspect of this adaptive process Digital etiquette defines regulations and rules of behavior in digital environment, which facilitate comfort, productiveness and respect during interaction. This can include such aspects as intime joining videoconferencing, appropriate use of a camera and a microphone, attentive listening and teaching, use of adequate communicative means etc.
Necessity of improving of digital etiquette skills remains actual even in offline education because digital instruments and communication in the internet are becoming an integral part of our everyday life.
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