


interdisciplinary connections, practically-oriented tasks, auto-body


This article deals with the possibilities of interdisciplinary interaction with the educational components of the natural cycle in the process of solving practically-oriented problems on the theory of the movement of wheeled vehicles by future auto-body specialists.
The goal is to outline the utility and expediency of using in the educational process the advantages of interdisciplinary interaction as one of the important factors of increasing the effectiveness of solving the problem of forming technical thinking in future auto-body specialists during the solving of practically-oriented problems on the theory of the movement of wheeled vehicles.
Methodology. Study and analysis of scientific publications, educational and methodo-logical publications, textbooks, selection of practically-oriented tasks on the theory of movement of wheeled vehicles, features of their own use in the educational process to interest students, taking into account work experience in higher education institutions in the direction of «Transport».
Scientific novelty. The teacher’s use of the possibilities of interdisciplinary interaction during the solving of practically oriented problems on the theory of the movement of wheeled vehicles by future specialists in the auto-body facilitates the formation of an approximate basis for actions at those stages of mastering the concepts of the theory of vehicle movement, which are subjectively the most difficult, when purely theoretical the consideration of information has an overly distracting, abstract character and is therefore difficult to correlate with the individual knowledge of students.
Conclusions. When solving practically-oriented problems on the theory of car movement, the problem of transfer the image of a complex concept to the student, which was formed in the mind of an experienced teacher during many years of pedagogical practice, quite often occurs. In the case of traditional theoretical study, the transfer of features and characteristics of a technical object from the teacher to the student is carried out at the linguistic and mental level, and as a result of the educational activity, the future specialist forms his own visual representations of the material being studied, but they are often inaccurate and significantly differ from the ideas of an experienced teacher.
Interdisciplinary connections help to familiarize future auto-body specialists with the practical basics of safe use of vehicles in various traffic situations, taking into account the theoretical laws of traffic. Knowing the operational properties of the vehicle, the nature and types of forces acting on it, critically evaluating road conditions, the future specialist will be able to predict the development of the situation and take timely measures to prevent the negative consequences of operating the vehicle.

Author Biography

A. Koliada, T.H. Shevchenko National University «Chernihiv Colehium»

Candidate of pedagogical sciences, associated professor,
Аssociate professor of the department of professional education and life safety,
T. H. Shevchenko National university «Chernihiv Сolehium»
(Chernihiv, Ukraine)


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