



spiritual and moral education, basic social values, personal development of future specialists in physical culture and sports


The article examines the peculiarities of spiritual and moral education of future specialists in physical culture and sports (creating a sociocultural creative environment, using social and educational technologies, modernization of physical education through personalization, innovation, network interaction, etc.). Research and experimental work was carried out within the framework of the study, which was carried out in the 2017-2022. The recorded positive dynamics of the attitude of future specialists in physical culture and sports to basic social values provides a basis for evaluating the positive orientation of the future specialist's personality in the effectiveness of the process of spiritual and moral education in the institution of the higher world.
The purpose of the article was to highlight and substantiate the peculiarities of spiritual and moral education of future specialists in physical culture and sports; to study the dynamics of changes in the attitude of future specialists in physical culture and sports to basic social values.
Methodology. The methodology of our research is based on systemic and person-oriented approaches that take into account psychological and pedagogical sources of information and analyze modern pedagogical experience through the implementation of innovative educational technologies for the education of persons with special educational needs. We used a multi-level system analysis of scientific information sources, based on the general, partially scientific and specifically scientific philosophical levels of knowledge.
The scientific novelty consists in establishing the main approaches to the study of the peculiarities of spiritual and moral education in the process of personal development of future specialists in physical culture.
Conclusions. An experimental study aimed at identifying the specifics of the spiritual and moral education of future specialists in physical education and sports and the prospects of a teacher's professional activity allows us to see not only the nature of the relations of the future specialist to the world, to other people, to himself, but also to changes in these relations, that is, from following the possible dynamics of personal growth. The recorded positive dynamics of the attitude of future specialists to basic social values provides grounds for evaluating the positive orientation of the personality of the future specialist in physical culture and sports and the effectiveness of the process of spiritual and moral education in a higher educational institution by means of creating a socio-cultural creative environment, introducing socio-educational technologies, as well as modernization professional physical education (regionalization, innovation, transboundary, network interaction, etc.).

Author Biographies

I. Ivanii, Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A. S. Makarenko

Scopus-Author ID 57190422362
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor,
Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A. S. Makarenko
(Sumy, Ukraine)

O. Dubynska, Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A. S. Makarenko

Сandidate of sciences in physical education and sports, Аssociate professor,
Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A. S. Makarenko
(Sumy, Ukraine)


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