social reflection, institution of higher education, educational training, musical and physical training, future teachersAbstract
The purpose of the article is to find out the peculiarities of the formation of the ability to social reflection in future teachers by means of educational and musical and physical training.
Methodology. The objectivity and reliability of the research results was ensured by a comprehensive and systematic approach to the analysis of the specified problem. In the process of research work, a number of research methods were applied, in particular: analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature on the research problem to study the state of the researched problem; comparative – to study the views of different scientists on the problem raised; systematization and generalization – for formulating conclusions. In addition, the method of observing the participants of the educational process during trainings, surveys and questionnaires was used to determine their effectiveness, as well as the attitude of higher education seekers to this form of organization of the educational process.
The scientific study provided for an optimal combination of the provisions of several methodological approaches, in particular: competence as a basis for reforming the educational sector at the current stage; activity, which involves the involvement of future teachers in active activities during educational trainings; axiological to determine the features of the formation of future teachers' value and worldview orientations, their awareness of the importance of social reflection for effective communication with participants in the educational process.
Scientific novelty. For the first time, the potential of educational and musical-physical trainings for the formation of the ability to social reflection in future teachers is theoretically substantiated.
Conclusions. It was found that social reflection is the subject's focus on reflection, awareness and understanding of other people's ideas about the teacher and his activities, the ability to perceive other people's emotions and broadcast their own emotions, evaluate people's attitudes towards each other and predict other people's behavioral reactions. It was determined that today one of the most effective technologies for the formation of the ability to social reflection in future teachers is training, in particular its educational and musical-physical varieties. The purpose of such trainings is stabilization of mental functions, formation of the ability to manage one's mental state; development of positive thinking, stress resistance; mobilization of mental and physical capabilities; the desire to understand other subjects of the educational process and to achieve high results in any spheres of life.
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