
  • Liu Peng Dragomanov National Pedagogical University



sociocultural environment, art-educational phenomenon, project, project activity


Article's purpose is to analyze the peculiarities of the creation of art-educational projects in the context of modern socio-cultural processes.
Methodology. The main provisions of this scientific article are based on the artistic and cultural approach. Theoretical research methods are: analysis of cultural and artistic sources, method of generalization of scientific information, method of detailing to determine the essence, content and structure of socio-cultural phenomens.
Scientific novelty. The relationship between artistic and educational phenomens in the socio-cultural space is described. The author give a critical assessment of culture as a means of livelihood, as a characteristic of the qualitative development of society is. The author considers the role of socialization in the development of personality, analyzes the stages of its social growth in creative activity.
The position of scientists in understanding the category of «design» in culture and education is defined. It is proposed to take into account the following factors: supporting the activity of participants in cultural interaction, creating favorable conditions for the self-development of the individual by means of a creative environment, preserving the values of culture and artistic heritage; replication of the best ideas and technologies for the functioning of artistic samples in the modern socio-cultural situation.
The position of scientists in understanding the category of «design» in culture and education is defined. It is proposed to take into account the following factors: supporting the activity of participants in cultural interaction, creating favorable conditions for the self-development of the individual by means of a creative environment, preserving the values of culture and artistic heritage; replication of the best ideas and technologies for the functioning of artistic samples in the modern socio-cultural situation.
The author defines the principles of development and implementation of art-educational projects. The most relevant: voluntary adoption of basic ideas, provisions and rules; freedom of choice of various forms and types of artistic and educational activity; comfort of communication based on mutual understanding, mutual support and mutual respect; tolerance in the views, thoughts and actions of other project participants.
Conclusions. The phenomenon of «art-educational project» has a socio-cultural character and an artistic and pedagogical orientation. Structural and procedural characteristics of the project create a basis for important integrative conclusions: instrumentalization of promising artistic ideas, finding creative means for productive interaction of participants in the artistic and educational process.

Author Biography

Liu Peng , Dragomanov National Pedagogical University

Postgraduate of the Choreography Department,
Dragomanov National Pedagogical University
(Kyiv, Ukraine)


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