



public education, civil protection system, formation of readiness for self-preservation


Based on the analysis of regulatory, legal, scientific and pedagogical sources, the article examines the historical periodization and transformation of the issue of the population's readiness for self-preservation during emergencies and other events. Alerts about the occurrence or threat of emergency situations are carried out by the relevant officials of executive authorities, territorial communities, enterprises, institutions and organizations, and may also come from citizens. In other words, the task of the authorities in case of danger to the population is to inform citizens about the situation and provide the necessary instructions for action in this situation. The decisions taken by the authorities determine the readiness of the population to act in emergencies and how quickly it will be possible to eliminate the consequences of a natural disaster, catastrophe, fire, etc. The effectiveness of the population's implementation of the authorities' instructions to take measures to ensure the preservation of life and health depends on prior training and acquired skills in dealing with emergencies and events. The education and training of the population, and as a result, the readiness of the population to act in crisis situations in different years has been carried out depending on the political and economic situation in the state. The historical formation of civil protection in Ukraine depended on the factors and types of hazards that threatened the population.
The purpose of the article is to analyze the regulations, theoretical and applied research on the formation of the population's readiness for self-preservation in the civil protection system in historical retrospect.
The issue of the population's readiness for self-preservation in the face of a threat or emergency is extremely relevant, given that Ukraine is currently under the martial law. Studying the historical development and transformation of training, instruction, and explanation of the main measures to preserve human life in the event of danger will help to avoid gaps in this area and implement a truly effective system of self-preservation.

Author Biography

Юрій Таймасов, Main Department of the SES of Ukraine in Kharkiv Oblast

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences,
Head of the Training Center of a Special Purpose Rescue Squad
of the Main Department of the SES of Ukraine in Kharkiv Oblast
(Kharkiv, Ukraine)


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