sociocultural competence, future teachers, information technologies, institutions of higher education, Internet technologies, multimedia presentation, project method, online resourcesAbstract
The article deals with the problem of forming the sociocultural competence of future foreign language teachers in higher education institutions, substantiates the methods of using the project method, multimedia technologies and Internet technologies in foreign language classes in the process of forming sociocultural competence.
The purpose of the article is to theoretically justify the expediency of using information technologies in the process of forming the sociocultural competence of future foreign language teachers in higher education institutions.
Research methodology. The methods of theoretical analysis, comparison, systematization and generalization were used to obtain the research results.
Scientific novelty consists in revealing ways of introducing information technologies in the process of forming the sociocultural competence of future teachers of foreign languages in institutions of higher education.
Conclusions. Formation of sociocultural competence of future philologists is a multifaceted process that requires the use of appropriate technologies for the training of a qualified foreign language teacher. The effectiveness of the formation of sociocultural competence of future foreign language teachers depends on the introduction of information technologies in the process of their training. Information technologies (multimedia presentations, project method, online resources) ensure a significant increase in the quality of acquired knowledge, improvement of students' speaking skills and abilities, motivate students to master a foreign language.
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