STEAM-education, punching, decorative and applied artAbstract
The main direction of the article and the purpose of the work is to publish the results of the organization of steam project implementation on punching technology, which was carried out as part of the preparation of the bachelor's qualification thesis. Highlight the materials of the analysis of punching technology as a type of traditional decorative and applied art. Publish an explanatory note to the project «Stamps for punching». Report on the results of the production of punching stamps using modern printing technology on a 3D printer. Also present the methodological aspects of using the results of project work by primary school students in labor training lessons.
The problem of the article is based on the statement that the theory and practice of punching is presented in a wide spectrum in extra-curricular education and more often in the classical version, while the potential of school education can be effectively used to familiarize students with the technology of punching precisely in labor training lessons using modern tools.
The methodology is based on the use of classical methods and with the help of STEAM-education technology, which promotes the comprehensive development of students, combining scientific and technological knowledge with creativity, art, and cultural traditions.
The novelty of the work is that the manufactured product – «Pumps for punching» – can become a useful object of design and technological activity for students of the 9th grade in the lessons of labor education; the entire process of manufacturing the product is developed in detail: from substantiation of the topic to summing up the results. The results of the project can be used by teachers of labor education and technology, as well as students of general education institutions.
Conclusions. The conducted research and development of documentation gave an understanding that the independent production of punching strains is successful from the point of view of cost and marketing, provides an excellent basis for creative development, the opportunity to use imagination and fantasy and get fantastic products for decorating the home or clothing.
This project can be applied not only separately, but also in combination with others, for example, making clothes, or other aesthetic elements of everyday life using fabric punching, or interdisciplinary related to the project activities of students in computer science classes, etc.
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