


proper name, antroponym, toponym, mythonym, dramatic poem, drama-spectacular, image-by-image analysis, verbal image analysis, chronotope analysis


The question of the functional significance of literary-fiction denominations in the process of the school analysis of Lesya Ukrainka’s dramatic works at the lessons of Ukrainian literature in 10th form is considered in the article. Texts «The Prossed Woman», «Kassandra», «Boyarinya» and «The Forest Song» are the object of the authors’ research.
The purpose of the research consists in studying the functionality of onomastycon of Lesya Ukrainka’s dramatic works during the analysis of artistic works by students of senior forms at the lessons of Ukrainian literature.
Methodology of the research is based on general principles of methodology of teaching of Ukrainian literature in senior forms. In order to achieve the goals of the research general scientific (analysis, synthesis, generalization) methods and general didactic and methodological and literary research principles were used. The materials are based on corresponding onomastic studies of Lesya Ukrainka’s creativity, in particular on T. Krupenyova’s notes.
The scientific novelty. The article is devoted to the study of the most productive groups of the onyms in Lesya Ukrainka’s dramatic works. The functional possibilities of the antroponyms, toponyms, theonyms and mythonyms as means of characterizing of character images of writer’s literary works are researched. The features of Lesya Ukrainka’s literary-fiction onomastycon are studied on the example of involving proper denominations to the characterizing of character images within the image-by-image, the verbal image and the chronotope ways of analysis of the artistic work. The kinds of activity of creative, search and research nature, optimal for using in the process of the analysis of Lesya Ukrainka’s creativity both at school lessons of Ukrainian literature and for extracurricular reading are offered.
Conclusions. The conducted research allows authors to draw conclusions about the functional significance of literary and artistic onyms in the process of the school analysis of the dramatic work. In general the problem of the involving literary-fiction proper names to the process of the working on the artistic work within the research of onyms meanings outside the text and their functionality in the literary work with further comparison of meanings for the holistic assessment of the character image and dramatic works altogether are solved.

Author Biographies

N. Mikhalchuk, Nizhyn Mykola Gogol State University

PhD in Philological Sciences,
Associate professor of the Department of Literature,
Methodology of its Teaching, History of Culture and Journalism,
Nizhyn Mykola Gogol State University (Nizhyn, Ukraine)

T. Rudyuk, Nizhyn Mykola Gogol State University

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, associate professor,
Professor of the Department of Ukrainian language,
Methodology of its Teaching and Translation,
Nizhyn Mykola Gogol State University
(Nizhyn, Ukraine)


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