myth-making, mythologism, mythologeme, mythological analysis of the workAbstract
The creativity of one of the most studied Ukrainian writers B.-I. Antonych is read through the prism of different philosophical theories, literary directions and movements that creates difficulties in understanding the poetic work of the artist by the students of 11th form. This necessitates the study of scientific and practical works to create systematic methodological proposals for study myth-making of B.-I. Antonych in a modern school.
The purpose of the article is to determine the main trends in the study of myth-making of Bohdan-Ihor Antonych in lessons of Ukrainian literature in the 11th grade of secondary schools, which are produced by modern representatives literary and methodological-literary thought, give them an assessment, to systematize and outline the perspectives of use.
Methodology. Methods of theoretical research (analysis, synthesis, generalization and syste-matization of accumulated experience), development of a holistic systems of productive activities.
Scientific novelty. Generalization of experience in the field of literary studies and methods of teaching literature helped to form a systematic approach that allows solving the problem of studying creativity of B.-I. Antonych at the school at the modern scientific level.
Conclusions. The assessment of the main trends in the study of myth-making by B.-I. Antonych in senior classes allows to offer different methodical recommendations: the study of mythology as a defining feature of the author's worldview should become a key content center in lessons, the use of verbal and stylistic analysis, the involvement of scientific research about the myth-making of the poet, about the connection of his work with cultural worldview features of the era and movements. We believe that the identified trends should become the basis for creation of a methodical system for the study of myth-making by B.-I. Antonych in senior classes of a modern school.
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