plein-air, painting, artistAbstract
Very often, the regional features of the plein-air movement are overlooked by scientists and artists. Considering the creative artistic potential of the Chernihiv region, in particular, as a owerful center of artistic life in Ukraine against the background of unique natural and landscape attractiveness, the study of the local plein air movement is extremely important.
Article’s purpose. Update and analysis of the plein air movement of Chernihiv Oblast and its role in art education.
Methodology. The methodological basis of the article is the author's own creative and practical experience of participation in numerous plein airs and their organization; iconographic analysis of plein-air works of leading local artists.
Scientifi cnovelty. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the fact that for the first time an attempt is made to update and analyze the modern open-air school of Chernihiv Oblast in its development and its influence on the educational process in extracurricular art education.
Conclusions. Chernihiv artists gravitate towards modern innovations in world culture and therefore, under the influence of European standards, create new artistic products, from which, through innovative developments, actual works of art appear. The understudied topic of the influence of the plein air movement on the educational process of art institutions needs attention in the field of art history, since all the processes that take place in the creative search of artists usually remain unexplained. This led to the loss of a whole cultural layer of creative works from the middle of the 20th century to the present day. The culture of plein air work, as one of the forms of learning about nature, has receded into the background for most professional artists working in the landscape genre. The support of artists from cultural institutions is becoming relevant, directly through the organization of projects to hold plein airs, exhibitions, presentations, as well as staffing of teachers in educational art institutions.
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