


educational programs, folklore groups, musical art, students,, teacher.


The purpose of the article is to reveal the methodological principles of training future teachers of musical art to lead folk music groups.
Methodology. The main theoretical provisions of this article are based on the leading principles of the cultural approach. Such research methods as the method of artistic analysis of folklore sources, art history and pedagogical literature, the method of theoretical generalizations and conclusions are used in the investigation.
Scientific novelty. The article highlights the problem of continuity of national traditions, transmission of aesthetic ideals and self-awareness of the people in modern Ukrainian society.
The author developed the issue of folklore as a means of personality formation, considered folk songs as a model of aesthetic taste, high moral qualities and artistic experience of Ukrainians, as the embodiment of the national identity of the people. Attention is drawn to the originality, uniqueness and versatility of Ukrainian folk music.
The article explains the methodical principles of training future teachers of musical art to lead folklore groups, which consist in: cultivating Ukrainian national identity in working with students, creative productivity of performing activities and artistic integration in the design and implementation of an artistic idea. Special attention is paid to the methods of interaction between the manager and the members of the artistic team as the basis of effective creative work.
Conclusions. National folklore reveals the dynamism and multi-layered existence of Ukrainians, attests to the ways of understanding the artistic and aesthetic values of the past through the prism of the perception of modern cultural realities. The training of future teachers-musicians is interpreted by us, first of all, as a process of gaining experience of communication with folk art in the postmodern era based on the current methodical principles of interaction of student youth with samples of Ukrainian folk art.

Author Biography

Petro Shevchuk , Dragomanov National Pedagogical University

Postgraduate of the Theory and Methodology
of Musical Education, Choral Singing and Conductiong,
Dragomanov National Pedagogical University
(Kyiv, Ukraine)


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