skiing, track and field equipment, schoolchildrenAbstract
The article reflects the actual problem of physical fitness of schoolchildren. It has been proven that ski training contributes to the all-round development of physical and moral qualities, as well as strengthening of health and mastering new technical skills of skiing.
The aim of the research is to experimentally study the influence of athletics exercises on the optimization of the physical fitness of young skiers.
Research methods: analysis of scientific methodical and special literature, pedagogical observations, pedagogical experiments, testing the level of physical fitness of schoolchildren; methods of mathematical data processing.
The scientific novelty consists in the introduction of an experimental methodology for the use of athletics exercises in the physical training of young skiers.
The study of the influence of athletics means on the optimization of the physical training of young skiers required the development of a certain methodology for the rational use of athletics exercises both in physical culture lessons and in the sports section of skiing. The developed experimental methodology for training young skiers at the stage of initial training assumed the development of physical qualities with an emphasis on the use of athletics means for the development of general endurance, speed, speed-strength and strength abilities, as well as coordination abilities. A quantitative analysis of the results of pedagogical testing of physical fitness showed that more significant and reliable (P≤0.05) were changes in the development of physical abilities of students in the experimental group, especially in the development of general and strength endurance, dexterity and speed.
Conclusions. Improving the level of physical fitness (especially the development of general and strength endurance, speed and dexterity), children 11-12 years old experimental group confirms the effectiveness of the introduction of athletics in the physical training of young skiers.
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