

physical activity, higher education gainers, motivation, state of formation


The aim of the work was to find out the state of formation of boys – higher education gainers’ motivation to carry out systematic physical activity in their free time.

The research methodology involved the use of a set methods adequate to this goal: general scientific (analysis, synthesis, systematization), with which the used sources of information were processed; a questionnaire to obtain information from boys related to physical activity in their free time; pedagogical (experiment) for the optimal organization of the study, namely the implementation of its ascertaining stage; mathematical statistics – for the correct processing of empirical data obtained during the survey. 257 young people were interviewed, all gainers of faculties that do not train future specialists in physical education and sports.

Scientific novelty consists, first of all, in obtaining data on the state of motivation for physical activity formation, which at the present stage marks the boys – gainers; in deepening knowledge about the effectiveness of the organization and content of physical education in the institution of higher education in the humanities in terms of forming in boys the motivation of the internal type of physical activity; further development of knowledge about the peculiarities of motives and factors that determine the formation of boys' motivation of internal type to physical activity in their free time.

Conclusions. For boys who are pursuing higher education at the faculties of the humanities, the external type of motivation to engage in physical activity in their free time prevails. The boys with demotivation were identified, as well as a small number with the highest level of motivation, internal type. In connection with the obtained data it is necessary to reconsider approaches to the formation and implementation of the content of physical education, to strengthen attention to the formation of knowledge related to physical activity, as well as to use adequate motivational factors.

Author Biography

V. Banakh, Kremenets Regional Humanitarian Pedagogical Academy named after Taras Shevchenko

Candidate of Science of Physical
Education and Sports (PhD), Docent,
Associate Professor of the Department
of Theoretical and Biological Fundamentals
of Physical Education, Kremenets Regional
Humanitarian Pedagogical Academy named after Taras Shevchenko,
(Kremenets, Ukraine)


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