

physical culture, cheerleading, students, psychophysical condition, indicators


The article considers the use of innovative types of motor activity in physical education classes. It is shown that one of the main reasons for the low efficiency of physical education in educational institutions is the imperfection of the system of organization of physical culture and sports activities. Therefore, to improve the quality of the process of physical education, the issue of introducing cheerleading tools to classes with students in order to improve health, increase levels of physical and functional fitness and increase interest in physical culture and sports becomes relevant. A comparative analysis of indicators of psychophysical condition of students of control and experimental groups, it was found that the use of cheerleading in physical education classes significantly improved the indicators.

The purpose of the work is to theoretically substantiate and experimentally test the impact of innovative types of motor activity on the psychophysical state of student youth by means of cheerleading.

The research methodology involved the use of a set of adequate research methods, in particular, general scientific, namely analysis, systematization, methods of psychodiagnostics, as well as pedagogical experiment, pedagogical testing, methods of mathematical statistics.

The scientific novelty is to determine the impact of cheerleading on the indicators of functional fitness and psycho-emotional state of students aged 15-17.

Conclusions. Summarizing the data of experimental studies, it should be noted that the use of cheerleading in physical education classes during the school year in educational institutions helps to increase the adaptive capacity of the cardiovascular system and improve the mental state of future professionals and allows to address issues related to motor deficits student youth activities.

Author Biographies

I. Bejgul, Dnipro State Technical University

Candidate of Sciences in Physical Education and Sports,
Associate Professor,
Associate Professor of Physical Education,
Dnipro State Technical University
(Kamyanske, Ukraine)

E. Shishkina, Dnipro State Technical University

Candidate of Sciences in Physical Education and Sports,
Associate Professor,
Dnipro State Technical University
(Kamyanske, Ukraine)


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