

future officer, police officer, special physical training, physical fitness


The aim: to carry out a comparative analysis of the levels of physical fitness of future police officers within the stage of professional development.

Methodology. To achieve the goal and solve the problems of the research, a set of modern general scientific methods was used: theoretical (method of conceptual-comparative analysis, structural-system analysis, synthesis, generalization); empirical (pedagogical observation, pedagogical experiment), methods of mathematical statistics. With the help of theoretical methods systematized and generalized information about the studied object and subject, compared the existing theoretical approaches, methods of determining the level of physical fitness of persons.

Empirical methods were used to assess the level of physical fitness of future police officers during their studies at a higher education institution with specific learning conditions.

Scientific novelty. The scientific novelty of the study is to determine and compare the physical performance of future police officers within the stage of professional development.

Conclusions. On the basis of the conducted researches the level of physical working capacity of the future police officers of various courses is defined. It was stated that the indicator of physical fitness of higher education students corresponds to the average level. Within the level, a significant dif-ference was found in the Harvard step test index among first-, third-, and fourth-year students (p <0.05).

In general, the results obtained indicate the effectiveness of physical training while studying in higher education, as there are positive changes in the studied indicator and the distribution of senior students by level of physical fitness.

Prospects for further research are seen in the study of the levels and dynamics of physical performance of future police officers in distance learning in higher education institutions with specific learning conditions.

Author Biographies

V. Bondarenko, National Academy of Internal Affairs

ResearcherID AAW-8302-2020; Scopus-Author ID 57203248427
Doctor of Pedagogical Science, Professor, Chair of Special Physical Training,
National Academy of Internal Affairs
(Kyiv, Ukraine)

V. Plisko, T.H. Shevchenko National University «Chernihiv Colehium»

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor,
professor of the department of pedagogy, psychology and methods of physical education,
T.H. Shevchenko National University «Chernihiv Colehium»
(Chernihiv, Ukraine)

A. Martyshko, National Academy of Internal Affairs

Candidate of Law, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Special Physical Training,
National Academy of Internal Affairs
(Kyiv, Ukraine)

A. Ryabukha, National Academy of Internal Affairs

Lecturer of Special Physical Training, National Academy of Internal Affairs
(Kyiv, Ukraine)


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