aggression, athletes, non-athletes, martial arts, sports gamesAbstract
The purpose of the article – the determination of types and degree of manifestation of aggression in applicants of higher education of different genders who are engaged in martial arts, playing sports and not engaged in sports.
Methodology. The study involved 115 students, including 62 boys and 53 girls aged 16-19, who was studying at the faculties of physical education and sports and foreign philology. Among the athletes, only those who play sports and martial arts were selected. The participants had sports qualification from the I category to masters of sports of Ukraine. The research methods were used: 1) analysis of scientific and methodological literature; 2) psychological testing (questionnaire LG Pochebut). The questionnaire consists of 40 questions. The students need to answer «yes» or «no». Psychological testing was conducted in usual ambiance in the university classrooms; 3) pedagogical observation; 4) methods of mathematical statistics.
Scientific novelty. A survey was conducted to establish manifestations of aggressiveness; the data of comparison of the obtained results between boys and girls, athletes and non-athletes are given; the data of manifestations of aggression in sports games and martial arts are supplemented.
Results. The most common types of aggression for students involved in sports games, martial arts and non-athletes: verbal aggression is most common for young non-athletes, physical aggression – for young men specializing in sports games, subject aggression – for girls who have chosen sports games; emotional aggression and self-aggression are most characteristic of girls who specialize in martial arts.
Conclusions. It was found that among young men the highest score of general aggression is observed in non-athletes, and the lowest – in martial arts athletes. Among girls, the highest score of general aggression was recorded in athletes who specialize in sports games, the lowest – in girls who have not been involved in sports. Analyzing the types of aggression and their severity, we see that the most characteristic: verbal aggression to boys not athletes, physical aggression – to boys specializing in sports games, object aggression – to girls who have chosen sports games, emotional aggression and self-aggression are most characteristic of girls, specialize in martial arts.
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