student sports center, higher education institution, higher education seeker, sports, legislationAbstract
Many years of research on the need to modernize physical education and development of student sports, taking into account domestic and foreign experience, became the basis for the creation of student sports centers in higher education institutions. To implement this task, a number of regulations were developed that would allow the creation of student sports centers in higher education institutions and in turn have a positive impact on the development of student sports on the one hand, on the other – non-professional (amateur) sports at sports facilities bases of higher education institutions. However, the constant focus of the central executive bodies implementing the state policy in the field of physical culture and sports, education and science, on winning the highest sports awards, negatively affected the incompleteness of a set of regulations on the organization of student sports centers in higher education.
Article’s purpose the work is to carry out theoretical analysis, generalization and systematization of the results of individual centers of student sports in higher education, the main legal and financial and economic aspects that prevent the creation of a legal framework for effective functioning of CSS in ZVO.
The methodology of scientific research was based on such general scientific methods as analysis, generalization, systematization. The study theoretically reveals the administrative, legal and financial and economic aspects that hinder the creation of a legal framework for the effective functioning of student sports centers in higher education institutions, analyzes the current legislation of Ukraine on the establishment and operation of student sports centers in the context of changes in strategy and priorities state policy on creating conditions for the maximum realization of the abilities of talented athletes who are graduates, providing them with equal rights and opportunities to engage in physical culture and sports, stimulating the creation of sports infrastructure in higher education, promoting student participation in international competitions. The constituent documentation and activity of already created centers of student sports in separate establishments of higher education are analyzed.
The scientific novelty of the study lies in the most in-depth study of problematic issues in the legal field, which are currently not legally defined and hinder the effective functioning of student sports centers in higher education.
Conclusions. According to the results of the research, the following conclusions were made: the imperfection of the existing legal framework and the presence of some legislative uncertainty on the organization of student sports centers in higher education institutions hinder the development of student sports in Ukraine. Specific changes and additions to the existing legislation in the field of physical culture and social protection of the population are offered.
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