highly qualified athletics, medical and biological means, renewal, university clinic, training periodAbstract
Purpose. To improve the efficiency of the use of medical and biological means of improving the quality of the training process in the conditions of SSU University Clinic.
Methodology. Theoretical analysis and systematization of scientific-methodical literature data, data of Internet network, as well as research of experience of university clinic activity and centre of sports training of highly qualified athletics was used to achieve the purpose.
Scientific novelty. The system of medical and biological means of improving the training process is effective.
Conclusions. The number of athletes on all stages of the cycle has been studied. The modern concept of sports training considers training load and medical-biological recovery means as two integral parts of the single process. In particular, scientifically grounded use of medical-biological recovery means, closely connected with the specifics of the training process, allows significantly increasing its quality, avoiding fatigue and overtones. The effectiveness of the recovery effects is closely related to the initial functional state, and the same procedures, can both accelerate recovery processes and be an additional burden on the body. That is why the development and implementation of scientifically grounded recommendations on the methodology of medical and biological renewal of high qualification sportsmen on the basis of analysis of medical science modern achievements are the main tasks of further scientific research.
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