

human body general center of mass (GCM), analytical method, Microsoft Excel, students, biomechanics


The position of the human body general center of mass (GCM) is one of the key biomechanical characteristics of biostatics, biokinematics and biodynamics. That is why the ability to calculate correctly the coordinates of the position of the human body GCM by students studying biomechanics is of great importance. Usually, a photogram is used to determine the GCM of the human body, which is inserted into a graphic editor or printed out and plotted on a system of flat Cartesian coordinates. Next, the coordinates of the points of the gravity centers of the biolinks are determined. Then the moments of gravity for each biolink and the human body coordinates are calculated. The found point is applied to the photo.

The purpose of the article is to present a complete algorithm for creating a teaching technique for students of the Faculty of Physical Education to calculate the total center of mass of the human body by analytical methods during the study of biomechanics using Microsoft Excel 2019 software.

The methodology is based on the analysis of educational and methodical publications and software, synthesis of biomechanical and mathematical methods, computer technology and modeling.

Scientific novelty. The learning technique for students of the Faculty of Physical Education is developed with the help of Microsoft Excel 2019 software that allows you to calculate automatically and build the coordinates of the total center of mass of the human body by analytical method during the study of biomechanics. This tool allows you to adjust promptly the data during the introduction, that facilitates accurate calculation the key points coordinates of the human body biolinks.

Conclusions. The use of the developed learning technique allows students to calculate quickly and accurately the coordinates of the human body total center of mass by analytical methods when performing practical work in biomechanics classes. Due to the widespread use of Microsoft Excel software, this technique can be used in distance learning for students, as well as coaches and researchers in the field of physical education and sports.

Author Biographies

V. Tolochnyi, T.H. Shevchenko National University «Chernihiv Colehium»

Researcher ID AAC-6825-2020
Senior Lecturer of the department of Pedagogics,
Psychology and Methods of Physical Education and Sports Teaching,
T.H. Shevchenko National University «Chernihiv Colehium»
(Chernihiv, Ukraine)

Yu. Nosko, T.H. Shevchenko National University «Chernihiv Colehium»

ResearcherID AAT-8354-2021
Scopus-Author ID 56880366900
Doctor of Pedagogical sciences,
Associate Professor of Preschool and Primary Education
T.H. Shevchenko National University «Chernihiv Colehium»
(Chernihiv, Ukraine)


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