third age, third-age people, age periodization, active ageingAbstract
The article aims at studying the genesis of the third age concept as a XX century phenomenon and defining the importance of active lifestyle for third-age people and its forms. General research methods used in the process of writing include analysis, generalization and illustrative methods. The scientific novelty of the results is in setting forth the preconditions for the emergence of third age and giving a profile of a third-age person.
In today’s world, issues related to demographical processes are global and extremely relevant. The elderly, or third-age people, are a growing demographic group. Under present-day conditions, there is a need in their adaptation to changing social processes for keeping up with their active citizenship and life satisfaction. Ageing is examined not only as a biological, but also a social process.
The emergence of third age as a category was due to the critical approach to the age assessment by chronological criteria and existing theories of disengagement of the elderly from social life. The author of the age periodization argues that the subjective assessment of one’s age is a key factor in active ageing. He considers third age the most important period of the subjective age (how individuals experience themselves as younger or older than their chronological age).
Problems that people may face before and after the retirement are defined. On the example of the Australian organization COTA, which represents older Australians, key points in supporting the elderly are noted. Fundamental United Nations development programs claim the importance of tackling ageing issues by including them into all countries’ development programs. It was stressed the universities of third age serve as the main form of education for the third-age people and help to stimulate their activity, improve their quality of life and contribute to their social integration.
As a result of the study, it was concluded that third-age people can contribute to the improvement of living standards of the country, benefit the state in the future and take direct active part in combating age discrimination in all its forms.