

students, special medical group, exercise bike


The purpose of the study – to substantiate and develop a combined exercise bike based on a bicycle specialized hard rock v 26 2015, as a device for physical therapy of students of a special medical group of higher education institutions.

Research methodology: theoretical analysis and generalization of materials of research of publications on improvement of physical education of students of special medical group, engine-ering development of the exercise bike on the basis of the bicycle specialized hard rock v 26 2015.

Scientific novelty: for the first time the concept of a combined exercise bike as a device for physical therapy, consisting of a two-wheeled bicycle, an electric drive mounted on the rear wheel of the bicycle and a load control system with sensors was developed. It differs from a conventional bicycle by the presence of an electric drive and a load control system that supports the same cardio load for a person, according to the medical training program, regardless of the geometry of the terrain; for the first time the parameters of the algorithm of the load control system of the combined exercise bike, thanks to which the student, moving on the developed device, regardless of the type of terrain and its geometry, receives the same physical and cardio load were substantiated; according to the generalized results of work the positive qualities of ergometer and bicycle for achievement of the best functional results during process of recovery of students of special medical group, and also application of the exercise bike in the course of development of individual rehabilitation programs were combined.

Conclusions. In the process, the concept of a combined exercise bike as a device for physical therapy of students of a special medical group of higher education institutions was developed in order to improve their functional condition and level of health.

Author Biographies

S. Chernihivska, Dnipro University of Technology

PhD in Physical Education and Sport
Assistant Professor Department of Physical Education and Sports
Dnipro University of Technology
(Dnipro, Ukraine)

V. Bakuridze-Manina, Dnipro State Medical University

PhD in Physical Education and Sport
Assistant Professor Department of Physical Rehabilitation,
Sports Medicine and Valeology
Dnipro State Medical University
(Dnipro, Ukraine)

V. Prykhodko, Pridniprovska State Academy Physical Culture and Sports

Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor, Head of the
Department of Theory and Methods of Sports Training
Pridniprovska State Academy Physical Culture and Sports
(Dnipro, Ukraine)

V. Vilianskyi, Dnipro University of Technology

Head of the Department of Physical Education and Sports
Dnipro University of Technology,
Honoured Coach of Ukraine
(Dnipro, Ukraine)

B. Manin, Dnipro University of Technology

Student of the Faculty of Information Technologies
Dnipro University of Technology
(Dnipro, Ukraine)


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