competence, professional competence, communicative competence, communicative skills, pedagogical conditions, military educationAbstract
Education, upbringing, development, culture and professional values of future officers of the security and defence sector of Ukraine become the core for stable socially oriented development of the state, which also provides new opportunities for realization of European integration plans in various areas and reformation of socially significant spheres of life and security.
In the professional activity of officers of the security and defence sector of Ukraine an important role is played by communicative properties, skills and abilities that ensure the effectiveness of their professional activities in the field of process management and personnel management in military units and formations.
The purpose of the article is to identify areas for improving the communicative competence formation of future officers of the security and defence sector of Ukraine, taking into account the conceptual requirements for reforming the national military professional education.
The methodology is based on latest provisions of pedagogical science, law and reflects the relationship of methodological approaches to the study of the process of communicative competence formation of future officers of the security and defence sector of Ukraine.
Scientific novelty. The given researches allowed revealing the basic approaches and principles concerning construction of model of communicative competence formation, as a component of this professional competence of future officers of sector of security and defence.
Conclusions. The authors of the article analysed the development of the process of communicative competence formation as a component of professional competence of future officers of the security and defence sector of Ukraine.
The basic principles, approaches, pedagogical conditions for building a model of communicative competence formation of future officers of the security and defence sector are highlighted. It is proved that the process of communicative competence formation must be considered from the view of the communicative skills development that is the abilities to communicate. It is substantiated that this process is phased and requires to ensure its quality active use of innovative educational technologies, improving the didactic support of independent work and involvement in scientific and practical activities of future officers of the security and defence sector of Ukraine, which meets the conceptual requirements of the main documents in the sphere of military professional education reforming.
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