will, physical culture, persistence, determination, self-controlAbstract
The article presents the results of a theoretical study, the purpose of which was to analyze the basic principles of development of volitional qualities of student youth as a holistic systemic individual psychological characteristics in the process of physical culture and sports. Scientific novelty lies in the theoretical substantiation of volitional qualities of students in the process of physical culture and sports, it is in the process of physical education clearly defines the goals and content of activities, tools and methods that affect the development of determination, perseverance, endurance, determination, courage, ie. form a habit of showing the willful efforts of young people.
The concept of «will» from the point of view of philosophers, psychologists and teachers is described. The modern definition of will is consistent with the fact that it is a conscious self-regulation of human activities, which provides overcoming obstacles and difficulties on the way to his goal. It is noted that in the process of physical education a necessary condition for the formation of the child's will is to master the techniques, increase the level of physical fitness. At the same time, psychological and pedagogical methods of stimulation should be taken into account: praise, awards and other techniques that increase students' interest in classes and contribute to a significant increase in self-confidence.
The volitional efforts in the process of physical culture and sports activities are analyzed and five of their types are distinguished: volitional efforts at muscular tensions; volitional efforts under stress; volitional efforts when performing actions to overcome fatigue; strong-willed efforts aimed at adhering to the regime; volitional efforts are aimed at overcoming feelings of fear. Conclusions: the education of volitional qualities is not the education of separate independent qualities. It is a process of continuous life, work, everyday activities, activities during physical culture and sports, interaction with the environment and the world as a whole. Being always ready to solve and resolve any situation, in difficult conditions, is a manifestation of strong-willed qualities and a necessary skill for everyone.
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