
  • O. Bykonia Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Professor of Foreign Languages, Academy of the State Penitentiary Service https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8865-8792
  • V. Ivanyshina PhD in Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages, Academy of the State Penitentiary Service
  • T. Ihnatovych  Senior lecturer of the department of foreign languages, Academy of the State Penitentiary Service


future lawyers, an English popular science text, reading, an perlocutionary act


The aim of the article is to substantiate the peculiarities of teaching the perlocutionary act of an English popular science text to future lawyers.

Methodology of the article. Highlighting of the theoretical grounds provides for the retrospective analysis of the research as to teaching the implementation means of the perlocutionary act of an English popular science text to future lawyers, choosing and systematizing the scientific information on the English perlocutionary act and its means, the act of perlocutionary optimal factors on the structure of an English popular science text. The research is based on the principles of pedagogy, linguistic didactics, psychology and teaching methodology of foreign languages. The authors analyze the national and foreign linguistic, psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature sources to implement the set aim on the problem of research in the article.

The scientific novelty. In the article the authors discuss the principles of teaching English popular science texts to future lawyers and the use of perlocutionary optimal factors that influence the structure of an English popular science text. The materials for research are the parts for discussion from popular science sources, first of all, popular science sites, groups in Facebook, popular science events, publications, radio and TV programs that present the implementation means of the perlocutionary act of an English popular science text.

Conclusions. While teaching how to read and write an English popular science text to future lawyers, the following functions such as informative and cognitive, managerial or controlling, educational, predictional, coordinational and integral are determined. While producing an English text, communicative, social, cultural and cognitive factors are in action. While teaching, it is necessary to consider English communicative intention which is focused on achieving illocutionary aims (persuading, declarative, assertive, commissive, directive and expressive). The perlocutionary act is a major component of the mental, willing and emotional side of the perlocutionary forces. The perlocutionary act is a reader`s response to the information about the scientific achievements, data, etc given in the popular science publication and it is caused by the text/expressions. This act is implemented at the level of macrostructure and in the external structure and determining their specific peculiarities, it has an influence, creates the feeling of irritation, embarrassment, intimidation, expectation, inspiration etc. It should be notes that while teaching writing, and making up an English popular science text, it is necessary to pay attention to producing perlocation (well thought in advance action of an author/addressee of a popular science text that directs an expression at achieving an addressee`s particular response)



